Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sago Gula Melaka

Yummy Yummy Malaysian dessert! Warning: Can be abit too strong for you is you are not a big fan of coconut milk! But trust me, you gotta try this :)
1 cup small sago pearls
5 cups water 4 pieces pandan leaves
200g gula melaka, chopped into small pieces
1 can of coconut milk a pinch of salt (optional)
1. Put water and pandan leaves into a pot and boil 10 minutes so the pandan flavor comes out. Remove the leaves. Throw in the sago pearls, stir well. Let it simmer 10 minutes, stirring all the time. The pearls will turn transparent but there will still be a dot of white in the middle. Turn off the heat, put the lid on and leave 10 minutes till the sago all turned transparent.
2. Pour the sago through a metal sieve over the sink and stir with a spoon so that the glue will run through the sieve, leaving just the sago pearls. Scoop sago in serving cup and let it chill in the fridge for unless couple of hours.
3. Meantime, melt the gula melaka with water in a small pot over low heat. Do not stir, just let the sugar thicken into a thin syrup. Let it cool; it will thicken slightly.
4. Serve chilled sago pudding with the gula melaka syrup and lots and lots of coconut milk.

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